Sunday, May 18, 2008


Graduation is here and my sister in law finally has her Graduation party and i am done now trying to take her perfect senior shot!!! Not that i do not love to take her pictures but i was so under pressure to satisfy her! It is sooo important for me to satisfy my customers in general but family... oh man! For those it is even more important!!!

So here is one more of HOlly! and than i had to do a homework for my course at better and i decided to ask Jordan, my brother in law to pose for me! Homework was a outside portrait.

I am still struggeling with my computer calibration and i can't get rid of that stinken' green tint in my pictures for some reason! But i think i did a little better in these shots here! Guess i have to open my check book and get me a colormunki or something similar!

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