Friday, July 11, 2008

I am so blessed..

First i wanna show you my new business cards.. they arrived in the mail a couple of days ago. I got them almost for free over VISTA PRINT. The only thing i had to pay for was that i uploaded my own template. So yes, i am super excited and i think they gonna work pretty good for me just starting out.

business cards vorne und hinten


I am also working on my new logo.. if i could only figure that stinken Adobe Illustrator out and get it done.. this is how i want it to look.. just in a Vector Mask or whatever they call it. So if anybody can help.. please! Step in and make that sad thing an end!

So and now it is gettin suuuuper exciting for me, cause beginning today i can call me a proud owner of a canon eos 5d and a 24-70mm L lens and a speedlight flash. gosh i am so excited. My wonderful parents decided to invest in my future and made this purchase possible for me.. and boy i tell you, right now i feel like eastern and christmas and ally's birthday and all that and much more together. I almost caught me saying to my dad over skype.. oh daddy, now you never have to buy me anything more ever again.. that was kinda exactly the same thing you could hear me saying thru all my child days. But i honestly felt like a little girl today.. in a huge huge candy and toy store.. in the night... with the key to everything!!!

Just a couple more days and i gonna be finally able to hold those babys in my arms.


Manon said...

I guess I have to come an visit you just to play around with your new goodies.
Can't wait what you will make out of the stuff.

Liza J. said...

Your photos are beautiful! And I love the new business cards. =)