Monday, May 26, 2008

i am soooo thankful..

for the fantastic Me Ra Koh Photography blog and the advice from Manon to look at their side and check the photography tipps out!

I studied Me Ra's tipps and they helped me so much. Yesterday evening i went on a little shoot with my husband and daugther to try out all the things i learned and i was soo amazed how differently i see the world thru my lens now!

Ally had so much fun playing with the little stones and checking out the beautiful Iowa sunset!

..and i couldn't wait to come home and load the pictures into Lightroom and see how they turned out! And i love it.. i am finally starting to go into the direction i always wanted to go. Can't wait to go out tonight and practice some more!

1 comment:

Manon said...

schön das dir der Link was gebracht hat.
Freut mich das dir das Fotografieren Spaß macht. kann kaum abwarten wo dich das hinbringt. Bin schon ganz gespannt.